The aim of the Integral Leadership Development training is to support leaders in their personal and professional development through a comprehensive, holistic approach, gaining insights into the knowledge of the leaders of tomorrow!
Participants will learn about the Integral Approach, a multi-integrated system that draws on the scientific background of previous schools and thousands of years of Eastern wisdom. It includes theoretical, practical and self-awareness components.
The creation of the Integral Approach is credited to the famous American thinker Ken Wilber.
“The Einstein of consciousness”, as some have called him.
These days it is essential for a good leader to educate himself in people skills.
We are different, each of us exists in a unique little world, a functioning system, a microcosm within a larger macrocosm. We started from different places, we are in different places, but we are moving in the same direction.
On this evolutionary journey we have different motivations, communication, ego, moral and cognitive development, worldviews, needs, value systems, relationships and connections and different leadership styles.
We move along this development ladder at different speeds. These are the differences we have to live and work with in the wider world, with our neighbours, with our families, with our colleagues in a company. Integral theory and psychology provide the knowledge and crutches to understand and operate within this.
How to keep a colleague and how to become a good leader? By knowing yourself and the people you work with.
By understanding human development and its different levels, with this full-spectrum human map, it is easier to know, manage, retain, help and bring out the best in employees and leaders.
With the knowledge gained from the training, participants can discover what they have been missing. The pieces of the puzzle are put in place and the pieces come together to form a whole.
There are many different kinds of knowledge around the world and many different theories. So many that today’s managers and HR leaders can get lost in them. Where to go, what to choose, what to use within the company? Integral Theory, a full spectrum view of people, has been and is being developed. There were, and are, partial knowledge, and Wilber, with his incredibly complex systematic thinking, has organized them into a system. This knowledge can be of enormous help to managers and HR leaders.
We believe that developing people and people skills is key.
In addition to theoretical knowledge, we offer training with practical and self-awareness components, so that what we learn in knowledge is reflected in the company, in successful, efficient teams that work in well-being and harmony.
In this training we also emphasize self-awareness, so that the participant can become a confident integral leader, able to see through complex situations and understand and reconcile different perspectives and individuals. They have a balanced and open personality that enables them to communicate and collaborate effectively with others. He will apply this approach as a leader within the company.
The application of an integral approach or psychology can therefore help leaders to develop a more complete view of themselves and the world, their organization and its people, and to be more effective in their leadership role.
For managers and HR leaders who want to be great professionally, and also want to become better leaders as people.
For managers and HR leaders who do not only send their team for development, but who also want to improve themselves.
For managers and HR leaders who have tried a lot of things but feel that something is missing, a link, a comprehensive understanding, because the puzzle has not yet been put together.
For managers and HR leaders who believe in the importance, value and competitive advantage of developing people and who give that development to themselves.
For managers and HR leaders who want fresh and comprehensive knowledge.
For managers and HR leaders who value people-centred leadership and development.
For managers and HR leaders who know how good it is to grow and improve together with others, to share difficulties, to rejoice in successes and to move along the bumpy but exciting road of development.
An integrated approach is the art of weaving knowledge and experience together to open up new dimensions in the life of a leader and an organisation. Whether it is work, learning or personal development, an integrated approach allows the participant to connect and align different perspectives and areas. It enables more creative, effective and complex solutions in all areas of life. Join us and discover the experience of wholeness and interconnectedness through an integral approach!
We organise separate groups for HR leaders and separate groups for managers, because the challenges are different, so each group can be a support for the other, where a fantastic community can be created.
During the long version of integral leadership development, we spend half a year with participants, learning and developing with several professionals.
Integral Leadership Development Basics
Motivational Compass: How to navigate the labyrinth of human drives
Leadership through Spiral Dynamics
Enneagram for leaders
10-16 people
Szilvia Bobák, economist, integral consultant, workplace mental health specialist, trainer, coach, Accelium skills and mindset facilitator
András Miskolczi, who has held management positions in multinational companies, founded his own companies, worked as a consultant, trainer and facilitator. And the enneagram is the basis of his work, which he teaches with enormous experience and enthusiasm for use in business.
Szilvia Szlavitsek, economist, integral consultant, EMCC senior practitioner coach, trainer, mediator, trainer of the international Accelium skill development and assessment methodology
Erzsébet Vizinger, crisis counselling psychologist, integral counsellor, dedicated educator and trainer.