The two-day training will introduce participants to the psychophysiological approach to stress and provide a range of exercises to deal with stress immediately in the workplace. On the following day, they will try out the long-term development of the heart and nervous system’s adaptability to stress using bio- and neurofeedback tools.
Bio- and Neurofeedback is a sensory/instrumental development based on real-time measurement and feedback, building on the phenomenon of brain plasticity and neuroscience research.
Individual Bio- and/or Neurofeedback training can also be ordered on its own (without first day group stress management training).
The first day group training focuses on identifying the sources of stress at work and how to manage them. The psychophysiological approach of the first day is curricular and useful, and the shared experience itself has a positive impact on group members.
The second day will consist of individual sessions, where participants will try out the self-regulation possibilities with the Bio & Neurofeedback instrument:
HRV (Heart Rate Variability) Biofeedback training is useful in stress management because it can increase the flexibility of the heart. HRV is one of the most important indicators of life expectancy.
SCP (Slow Cortical Potential) neurofeedback training teaches the ability to let go, which is essential in stress management. In addition, SCP Neurofeedback training also develops the ability to focus, which increases personal effectiveness.
The group part of the combined training “sucks” the participants in, everyone is involved. The multi-trained and experienced trainers place great emphasis on the group building on their strengths and finding the most appropriate solutions for the physiological and psychological characteristics of each group member.
During the individual sessions, the Bio & Neurofeedback technology itself is impressive. By trying out the HRV Biofeedback and SCP Neurofeedback enhancements, participants are exposed to the possibilities of conscious self-regulation and their real-time results. Seeing real-time data coming from their own body and consciously changing and monitoring it in real-time is a powerful experience in the ‘data age’.
This combined training with a psychophysiological approach is particularly useful for executives and managers who have high expectations of themselves and/or experience stressful daily life due to the nature of their work, working conditions or other circumstances. Bio- and Neurofeedback can help improve their stress management, concentration and decision-making skills.
1 day of group training, followed by 1 day of Bio- & Neurofeedback individual training. After the two days (also without the two days), individual Bio- or Neurofeedback training can be ordered.
8 people (first day), can be arranged in larger groups on request
Bio & neurofeedback trainer Dr. Ágnes Jenei and counselling psychologist Ákos Kiss