Motivational compass: how to navigate the labyrinth of human urges


Explore the mysterious world of motivation, where an unseen force lies behind every action. We will dig deeper behind the scenes of human behaviour, explore how to recognize and awaken that special something that motivates others to act, and how to communicate this knowledge effectively.


What does it give and why is it important?

Ask yourself: why is it that what worked before is no longer producing the expected results? Why does a strategy inspire one person while leaving another cold? During the training we will not only look for answers, but also unravel the secret code of motivation.

We will learn about the latest tools and strategies to understand how to change behaviour and what factors can trigger such a change. Through exercises, examples and cases, and self-awareness tests, we will approach a deeper understanding and fine-tuning of motivations.

We will explore how different motivational drivers are linked to different levels of development and the means to satisfy them. The framework provided by the integral approach will help us to better understand, recognise and address motivational challenges. We will also discuss opportunities for change and the motivational differences experienced by different generations.

What makes it engaging?

We will learn important knowledge in a dynamic and inspiring day, where we will combine scientific knowledge with personal experience to develop self-awareness and gain a better understanding of the motivations of those around us. Get ready for a day that will not only give you theoretical knowledge, but also develop your ability to navigate the maze of motivations.

Who is it recommended for?

For managers who want to understand their own motivations and those of their employees. Employees in companies that need to understand how to ignite those particular rockets.


1 day

Recommended group size

8-50 people


Erzsébet Vizinger, crisis counseling psychologist, integral counselor, dedicated trainer and educator.

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