The goal of this training is to equip companies operating in Hungary with a comprehensive understanding of managerial accountability and amenability in a Hungarian legal context. This course will help company managers and legal departments understand their responsibilities, legal exposure, and the steps required to minimize risk and ensure compliance.
Content: Introduction to the concept of managerial accountability, including legal responsibilities of company managers and directors under Hungarian law.
Purpose: Setting the stage for the legal environment managers are operating in.
Content: Detailed exploration of the Hungarian Civil Code, the Company Act, and relevant laws such as bankruptcy and insolvency laws.
Purpose: To familiarize participants with the legal documents that regulate their accountability.
Content: Breakdown of the main legal duties of managers, such as fiduciary duties, duty of care, and conflict-of-interest policies.
Purpose: To ensure that managers understand their obligations to the company and stakeholders.
Content: Analysis of the consequences for managers who fail to fulfill their legal obligations, including fines, personal liability, and potential criminal charges.
Purpose: To highlight the severity of non-compliance and motivate adherence to best practices.
Content: Distinction between when a manager is personally liable versus when the company holds liability for actions or decisions.
Purpose: To clarify legal lines and protect managers from unnecessary exposure.
Content: Best practices for mitigating legal risks, including compliance programs, internal audits, and the role of legal advisors.
Purpose: To equip managers with tools to protect themselves and their companies from legal risks.
Content: In small groups, participants will draft a simple compliance policy for a hypothetical company, addressing key areas like financial controls, reporting mechanisms, and conflict-of-interest policies.
Purpose: To give participants practical skills in developing policies that ensure legal accountability.
Content: Introduction to corporate governance codes in Hungary and EU-wide governance frameworks. Topics include board composition, roles of the supervisory board, and executive accountability.
Purpose: To provide a foundation for understanding how good governance supports accountability.
Content: Overview of Hungary’s key regulatory bodies such as the National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) and the Hungarian Financial Supervisory Authority (PSZÁF), explaining their role in enforcing laws.
Purpose: To familiarize managers with regulators they may interact with.
Content: Participants will conduct a governance audit of a sample company, identifying gaps in compliance and governance.
Purpose: To apply theoretical knowledge to practical situations and improve auditing skills.
Content: In-depth look at when and how managers can be held accountable for civil and criminal actions, including tax fraud, environmental violations, and mismanagement.
Purpose: To help managers understand the boundaries of their legal exposure.
Content: How and when managers should involve internal or external legal counsel to protect themselves.
Purpose: To underscore the importance of early and proactive legal consultation.
Content: Analysis of a high-profile Hungarian legal case involving managerial accountability, discussing where mistakes were made and how they could have been avoided.
Purpose: To learn from real-world scenarios and understand legal precedents.
Content: A legal simulation where participants must navigate a compliance crisis involving a breach of duty by a manager, responding to legal risks and making strategic decisions to minimize fallout.
Purpose: To practice applying learned concepts to real-world scenarios and prepare managers for handling crises.