
This session will focus on helping participants understand GDPR requirements within the Hungarian context, equipping HR and payroll teams with the knowledge and tools necessary for GDPR compliance. The training will ensure that employees can handle personal data responsibly, safeguard employee and candidate information, and avoid legal penalties.


1. Introduction to GDPR in Hungary 

1.1 Overview of GDPR

Objective: Introduce GDPR and its relevance to HR and payroll operations in Hungary.


  • What is GDPR?

  • Overview of EU and Hungarian regulations.

  • Key GDPR principles: Purposefulness, lawfulness, fairness, transparency, data minimization, and integrity.
  • Why compliance is critical for HR and payroll professionals.

1.2 Understanding Personal Data and Processing in HR

Objective: Clarify what constitutes personal data in the HR and payroll context.


  • Categories of personal data: general, special categories, and sensitive data.

  • The lawful bases for processing HR data.

  • Handling sensitive data (e.g., health information, trade union membership) in payroll.

Importance: Helps HR professionals differentiate between types of data and process them lawfully.

1.3 Roles and Responsibilities in Data Protection

Objective: Define the responsibilities of Data Controllers, Processors, and the Data Protection Officer (DPO).


  • Distinction between controller and processor in HR.

  • Role of DPOs in compliance, especially for large HR departments.

  • Communication with data subjects (employees and candidates).

Importance: Ensures HR departments understand who is responsible for which tasks, minimizing data breaches.

2. Data Subject Rights and HR Practices 

2.1 Data Subject Rights: HR and Employee Data

Objective: Empower HR professionals to handle data subject requests efficiently.


  • Employee and candidate rights: Access, rectification, erasure, data portability, and objection.

  • Handling employee requests within legal timeframes.

  • Impact on employee payroll data: Record retention, accuracy, and employee rights.

Importance: Non-compliance with these rights can lead to significant fines and damage employer-employee trust.

2.2 GDPR Impact on Recruitment and Talent Management

Objective: Focus on GDPR-compliant recruitment practices.


  • Collecting candidate data: Consent and legitimate interests.

  • Data retention and destruction policies for recruitment.

  • Using third-party HR software and cloud services.

Importance: Mitigates risks when processing candidate information.

2.3 HR Data Breaches: Risk Management and Response

Objective: Equip participants with tools for recognizing and responding to data breaches.


  • Identifying potential data breach sources in HR and payroll.

  • Notification obligations: When and how to notify authorities and employees.

  • Prevention techniques: Regular audits and risk assessments.

Importance: Data breaches can result in penalties, so early detection and response are essential.

3. Data Security and Technology in HR

3.1 Ensuring Data Security in HR Systems

Objective: Teach HR professionals how to implement security measures to protect employee data.


  • Password protection, encryption, and secure storage.

  • Securing payroll systems and HR management software.

  • Mitigating risks of remote working environments (VPNs, secure communication).

Importance: Data security is the cornerstone of GDPR compliance.

3.2 Third-Party Vendors and HR Software

Objective: Manage third-party software and service providers responsibly.


  • Evaluating third-party compliance (cloud services, payroll outsourcing).

  • Contractual obligations under GDPR: Data Processing Agreements (DPAs).

  • Auditing third-party vendors for compliance.

Importance: HR often uses external vendors, so ensuring compliance through contracts is critical.

3.3 Employee Training and Awareness Programs

Objective: Develop internal training programs to maintain GDPR awareness.


  • Continuous education on GDPR for HR staff.

  • Implementing regular awareness programs for employees on data protection.

  • Assessing the effectiveness of training programs: Metrics and follow-ups.

Importance: Regular training ensures compliance is upheld across departments.

4. Best Practices, Audits, and Compliance Review 

4.1 GDPR Compliance Audits in HR

Objective: Teach how to conduct regular audits of HR practices.


  • Conducting internal audits and identifying gaps in compliance.

  • Preparing for external audits by regulatory authorities.

  • Importance of documentation and data protection impact assessments (DPIA).

Importance: Audits prevent future compliance issues and fines.

4.2 Developing a GDPR Compliance Strategy for HR

Objective: Help participants develop a GDPR strategy specific to HR operations.


  • Building a GDPR compliance framework.

  • Setting KPIs and tracking GDPR implementation in HR.

  • Aligning GDPR compliance with business objectives.

Importance: An actionable strategy ensures that compliance becomes part of everyday operations.

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