Accelium Innovative game-based skill development and assessment solutions for companies and individuals seeking to improve.
To be successful in this accelerated global competitive environment, you need the right skills. You need to be able to read the map, see the bigger picture, choose a strategy, create a plan, adapt to the changing environment if necessary, and deliver results. Effective individuals and teams have a unique balance of skills that enable them to learn, adapt and innovate. In order to achieve high performance and personal development, we need to know and understand what our strong suits are and what skills we still need to develop.
The world has changed and accelerated, so there is a corresponding need to discover and develop skills to meet these new challenges.
Accelium Pro helps teams and individuals develop the key high-level skills needed to excel. Using powerful metacognitive models and exercises, it helps employees and managers develop dynamic thinking, problem-solving and decision-making skills, and become more systematic and flexible.
What we develop during the training:
Problem solving, critical thinking, flexible thinking, quick thinking, strategic thinking, holistic vision, learning, focus, planning, systems thinking, prioritization, resource management, time management, perseverance, ability to switch quickly between tasks, adaptability, analytical skills, decision making, creative thinking, collaboration, teamwork
It is worth rebuilding the foundations and the result is a more self-reliant, competent person, living in harmony with themselves and their environment, able to reflect, act consciously and self-reflect.
It’s an exciting journey into the human psyche and the forest of capabilities.
We invite companies and individuals who are interested in self-awareness and development to take this journey. All in a way that is fun and engaging.
How is this possible?
Through games, of course.
Play, learn, grow!
Participants will discover their own patterns of thinking and behaviour, functioning, strengths and areas for improvement through enjoyable and engaging games, which will be fed back to them by the system.
The core of the training programme is awareness-raising and learning by doing, where participants experience simulated situations at work and in everyday life, which are then translated into real-life situations during the workshops. In this way, this training provides knowledge and skills that participants will take with them for a lifetime.
In 1994, when a team of chess players and game theorists decided to extend their chess mentoring experience to various strategy games, they developed a powerful learning tool, Accelium.
Accelium’s research-backed learning process consists of 3 steps:
The underlying philosophy of the method is based on strategic games, metacognitive models and guided learning processes.
Based on this method, innovative game-based training and assessment tools combine personal coaching, team workshops and mobile learning to create an engaging experience that helps participants to develop their cognitive, emotional and social skills (such as strategic thinking, analysis, problem-solving, self-awareness and resilience), as well as to continuously practice effective strategies, reflect and improve their own skills and performance.
The innovative Accelium method is now available and learnable in more than 30 countries, in 12 languages, by more than 10,000 trainers worldwide and has been used by more than 4 million users.
Tailored to the company and individual, from 1 day to 10×4 hours
10-16 people
Szilvia Szlavitsek, economist, integral consultant, EMCC senior practitioner coach, trainer, mediator and Accelium trainer at Accelium’s Hungarian Centre.